Open Your Mind

And so I published these short stories, and they were discreetly successful, you know, me having crammed all of my bare soul in them, and joys and obsessions, and sorrows and shit. One day I received this email, and it was from Vonnegut. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I mean, I don’t know how many of you may have receive an email from him, but it was like going through one of his planetary odysseys and a lot of words that I didn’t really understand, being made up on the moment I guess, but really charming, like I reread his email until I almost memorised it.

And he wanted to meet me.

So I said ok, and we decided for the following Monday, like a coffee or so. But then I started freaking out, realising that, despite me being in love with the guy, I had actually read very little of his work! and so, after I hung up, I headed for a local library and raided the bookshelf where his books were.

It was a lysergic weekend, all strung out and so on.

And we met and we talked about Bukowski, and I told him that I was like hooked on the guy, and then I told him how I really liked his own book, Breakfast for Campions, or maybe OF Champions, I was a bit confused by all the titles from the weekend swirling like crazy in my head. And I told him how that book opened my mind, I mean, it literally DID something to me, at the neurophysiologic level, like you can read in this other book, The Brain that Changes Itself by N. Doidge. A bit boring really, but enlightening at the same time.

It was a very pleasant day, and we agreed we would keep in touch and update each other a bit on things, and maybe I wanted to go for dinner at his, and meet his wife, and so on. Charming character…

So to conclude, if you want to open your mind a bit, I, very humbly, suggest two things. If it’s with or without drugs, well that’s up to you:

1) First read Breakfast for/of Campions. And read it in one go, like you take the whole weekend for yourself, and lock yourself up in your room, and if your girlfriend or wife or lover or whore comes knocking on your door, you just tell her you are in the middle of this very delicate process of Opening Your Mind, and that letting her in may cause a bit of a disturbance in the procedure. Believe me, she’ll be happy you did it.

2) Then, for the following week or so, you place The Brain that Changes Itself next to the pot in the crapper. And when you have to go in there, you sneak a peek on relevant chapters that may interest you. There is an excellent one on online porn addiction, you know, that stuff that is a bit like the invisible pink unicorn, I mean, it doesn’t exist. Yeah, right…! So you don’t have to read it in one go. It’s very convenient…

And so on.

(c) 2012 Crugi Smear

The Obscene

“Sir! He saw the world ‘as it is’.” – spat the Colonel into the receiver, matter-of-fact like. “Open the gate!”

“Roger, Colonel! Let them in.”

“How could he know my name?” – I asked, innocent like.

“Shut up Roger, and follow me!” – replied the Colonel, so very abruptly.

The flank of the mountain wiggled a bit, and then the mass of the rock started to crack, and this gate appeared, and it was so gigantic and awesome, and it was throwing this very wide yawn over our heads, like a colossal mouth that was going to devour us as soon as we would enter.

The military facility was somewhere in the American desert. This much I figured, given the dull wilderness of the place, and these people’s very thick accents, with all their pompous military jargon that sounded so very similar to all those Hollywood movies about all those military heroes who, in order to rescue all those heroic friends of theirs, who in the meantime had butchered and massacred innocent children together with their loving helpless mothers, I mean, all these heroes had to butcher and massacre a little bit more in order to rescue their heroic friends. But it was usually for a greater cause. And then the movie would end with our heroes in the middle of chaos, buildings collapsed, dead corpses like scattered and crushed with their blood spilling everywhere, but hey! The war turned out to be ok! I mean, we won! And look at ALL THOSE opportunities out there for business, and rebuilding, and bribing and whoring, and so on.

So the base was a bit of a mystery, like my journey here really. I mean, I remember me drinking this coffee in this café I usually go to, and then, once finished, I remember I I turned the corner round the shop, and I went into this very charming alley called the Love Walk, but as soon as I stepped maybe three or four times it felt like the whole universe had collapsed onto me all of a sudden, and I thought I could feel the pressure of Matter on every inch of my body, and it felt like I’d become a sort of black hole, attracting and pulling. Then for a moment I feared I would not be able to breath any more very soon, and then I started panicking that I might die! Until I heard so many voices swirling around me, coming from all directions, and their sound was harsh, like commands given and answered with a Yes Sir! and that’s all. And then a lot of whacking and thwacking at me, until I was down on my knees. And then they picked me up like a piece of luggage and literally threw me into some vehicle. I heard the door shut, and the engine start. Then I felt a sting on my thigh, and so I was forced to sleep.

I had no dreams, and when I woke up it felt like maybe I’d slept only a few hours. And it was still so very black and tight in every part of my body, because they had strapped me in this black bag made of some cloth, and I could breath through it, and I could hear. And so I heard the noise of a car engine, and felt all the hopping and bobbing caused by us travelling on this very rugged terrain. But the people around me, I could hear them breathe, or cough, but they didn’t talk. And then, all of a sudden:

“Colonel Dick here. Approaching with subject. Open perimeter.”

“Roger Colonel! Perimeter unlocked.”

And so they took the black bag off me.

And that’s all.

And so I found myself contemplating this most massive engineering feat that had now stopped yawning, and was just waiting for us to go in.

And we did.

And then we glided through corridors filled with all these robot faces, so very dull and cold, and went through sliding doors and biometrical controls, and I saw stars and stripes and playboy posters, medals and gold, lots! and then miniature rockets and spaceships, and then I saw something that ruptured me in awe:

I saw IT!

A gigantic penis, made of gold, menacing and sinister in its majesty, was standing now in front of me, like a Totem and an Oracle, a God! And those robot faces were worshiping, were venerating it! They would smear it with blood, and the blood was not their own, and their hands were soaked in that crimson that, all of a sudden, out of nowhere, started screaming at me, and it pleaded with me:


But there was nothing I could do.

“Are you with me Roger?” – asked the Colonel.

I perceived a worry in his voice.

“I think he’s seeing it right now.” – he said, but not to me.

We stopped abruptly in the middle of this room, and the Colonel continued:

“Sergeant! Where the heck is a medic here! This guy is SEEING it now! We gotta stop it!”

“Colonel!” – the Sergeant straightened his back like it was going to snap. “The medic is absent today. He said he didn’t feel really well, you know us boys having had a bit of a stag night yesterday for Captain Duck…”
“SHUT THE FUCK UP Sergeant! There is no time for excuses. I need a medic, NOW!” – sort of not very argumentative in his tone.

“Sure! I mean, YES SIR!” – and the Sergeant went rushing somewhere like it was a matter of life and death.

Then I turned to the Colonel, and what I saw was astonishing, for the shape of his body had changed, and his robot face had turned into that of a dolphin. Still, he could stand erect, and he looked very fierce, and he was now sniffing the scent of the blood. And so he was taken by Frenzy, and jumped all inflamed into this sea of sloshing and rotting carcasses, some still alive and lamenting, all floating in a river of blood. When he emerged he had a hand in his mouth, and he was chewing and chewing as if he was having an orgasm. And when he had eaten enough, he swam onto the shore where the Golden Penis stood in its towering majesty, and he leaned against its precious wall in a trance. And it seemed to me that he was recovering from the greatest of fatigues. Eventually, he started caressing and kissing the wall, and he kept smearing the blood wider and wider, and higher and higher! And then I saw the other worshipers, the same as before, but now they also had turned into dolphins. And so I realised how very partial my previous vision had been, and it felt that what I was now seeing was indeed the whole horrible picture!

“Get him back! GET HIM BACK!!” – yelled a voice at my back.

And then I felt a slap on my cheek, very gentle and distant, and then another, and then many more, stronger and stronger, and it became so alarming and so very painful in the end that I woke up.

“Roger! Can you hear me now?” – yelled the same voice.

The Colonel was now squeezing my face in his hand, and it felt like a wrench.

“Sure…” – I replied like coming out of a terrible dream.

“Let’s bring him to briefing straight away. This is the worst case I’ve seen.” – ordered the Colonel to one of his robot friends. The dolphins had gone.

And so we went.

“You realise that your visions are affecting your quality of life Roger, don’t you?”

I was sitting on a chair, handcuffed and strapped to its back, very quality-of-like like. A massive wooden desk in the form of a U was in front of me, and it was crammed with the upper bodies of these robot types who were now all looking at me, and waiting for a reply.

“I don’t really know sir! It seems to me that what I see is what there actually is. I don’t know how to explain it better than this, I’m afraid.”

“Perfectly clear Roger. Perfectly clear…” – said the voice. And then a bit more:

“You realise you may have gone completely insane, don’t you Roger?”

“I guess this would make a good point against my case sir, but then why kidnap me and make the effort to bring me here?”

“What if also this part of your reality, I mean us, was an hallucination given by your disorderly state?”

“Well, you have a very good point there sir. I mean, surely that would take away a bit of grounding out of my life. But you see? I know where I stand right now, I mean now that I am here with you, and I know that THIS is the reality where I’ve been living the majority of my life so far.”

“Desperate case…” – muttered one of the robots.

“Indeed!” – muttered another.

There were a few seconds of silence, and then maybe a minute of mumbling among those people, until a voice stood out of that haze of words, and yelled:

“We shall proceed with the Cure!”

And that was the sign the meeting was over.

So I found myself suddenly released all alone in this vast cold hall. The corners were rounded, so that the surface ran smoothly everywhere. The walls were white and the light seemed to come out of nowhere. Then, like a snap! Darkness fell. And it felt like the whole universe had imploded, no sound to be heard, no thing to be seen. Only my feet there to remind me that I hadn’t fallen into an abyss. And then, this tiny light appeared on my horizon, and it seemed very distant from me. It was at first a minuscule dot, but it grew and grew, and then it became a recognisable shape: a rectangle. And the shape became larger as it flew toward me, ever so slowly, but steady. And it was swirling gently, like a leaf caught by the wind, and I thought I could see images flickering on the surface of that shape, and the more it came closer, the more I realised that what I was watching was a floating TV screen! Or so it seemed. The rectangle, that looked so much like the hateful brainwashing machine, eventually exploded into an intensely luminous firework. I could perceive the heat. The fragments were now scattering everywhere, like luminescent trails. They started floating all around me, like playful fairies. Soon those particles started to condense, gathering around my flickering body, and eventually they engulfed me in their vibrant embrace; and they were of all colours and shapes. Shortly afterwards, sounds and voices started to filter from out of the walls, and it was like a Babylon of tongues! Then slowly, subtly, an image emerged until it stood out, alone and imperious:

A playmate!

Schmaltz! She showed me her ass, and she showed me her breasts; I thought she was beautiful, and I was getting horny as hell; but still thinking: What the heck has all this to do with IT!? After the lady, Roger McDonald appeared and he was so very jolly, and he cracked to me this joke about the midget fucking the donkey, and that story was so funny and brilliant that for a moment I really thought I loved the guy. And then more images appeared, everyone of them claiming its portion of my attention, all in their turn, for they seemed to have aligned in front of me, and the line went on and on ad infinity tapering away into the distant horizon. And I couldn’t but pay attention to each and every one of them, because they surrounded me like ghosts in 3D: they were physical! I saw Cadillacs and villas, models and Martinis, coke and whores, TV hosts and internet memes, drunken Fridays and PlayStations, porn stars and satin linens, and then sneakers LCD’s fridges Prada sunglasses fizzy drinks junk food and jokes, so many jokes, and all those people were laughing their asses off like they were the most irresistible humour, but the laughs were fake and it all smelled to me like DEATH! But, nevertheless, more images kept flowing, chasing my eyes, as I moved around trying to gain some peace, a short break from the overwhelming squeezing of brands and marketing ideas that were all so very dressed in their shabby clothes of luxury and exclusivity, as if the only thing a human being could desire were fannies, and cars, and hotel rooms, and not Beauty, Good, and the ineffable Transcendent. Then the last picture stood in front of me, and it was a message, and it said: “Dear Roger, welcome back!” And then the light went on again, and as suddenly as it started, the crazy galore was now over.

I felt dizzy and I felt like I had ingested a lot of junk food and had drunk a lot of fizzy water and I had a massive hard-on. I felt ashamed, but then went straight for the door from where I came, or so I thought. But the door opened before I could reach it, and Colonel was now looking at me with sort of father eyes, as if I’d been a lost child who now had managed to go back home and be reunited with his loving dad. With his hand he reached out for my arm, and grabbed it, and he didn’t look like a soldier anymore, but like a benevolent man filled with good intentions for my own miserable self. And then he said:

“We showed you the best of your world Roger. Don’t you see how beautiful Reality is?” – and it was hardly a question. More like a suggestion really.

I took it, I mean, I really wanted to give the man a bit of credit. After all, the sheer show of technology there impressed me deeply. But then the thought of the golden penis and the still lingering sense of bulimic nausea and sure indigestion made something click in my brain, and I spat this out as if raptured by a voice. A voice that was screaming “Help me!” – even now in some remote distance at the back of my mind. And so I said:

“You know, me being a bit of a struggling artist, I tell you that most of the stuff you showed in there is pretty much out of my league. I mean, there’s no way that playmate would ever flirt with me in real life. Maybe Roger McDonald would crack a good joke at me if I went to a McDonald, maybe on my birthday, and happened to meet him, you know, maybe when the kids are not around and he’s having a smoke break. But all the rest is, I mean, pretty much unreachable not only for me, but for pretty much everybody on this oil-bleeding planet, apart from maybe those lucky few that always seem to have it all.”

“I see…” – coughed up the Colonel, frowning and, I think, a bit shaking too.

“And all those images” – I had to conclude – “I found them a bit vain and trashy, not very tasteful, being constantly so much in your face. I mean, to conclude this whole show seems to me like a full load of bullshit!”

“I see…” – reinforced Colonel once more. He grabbed me by the arm, and as he was now trying to lead my way forcefully towards the exit door, I fell again from this earthly dimension of us poor struggling nobodies, suspended in a cryogenic state of consciousness that is so shallow and impure, and was transposed instantly, once more, to the infernal vision of the sacrificial lot with its elongated symbol of Man, and the innumerable hordes of once amicable sea creatures, now turned into monsters: Beauty dethroned, debased to a blood-thirsty beast. And this dolphin was grabbing me by the arm. He was leading me forcefully towards the liquid mass of sloshing and rotting corpses. I felt a gentle sting on my thigh. I stumbled on a skull at my feet, and as I was sliding towards the river of blood, I slipped into a rut and fell on my back. The world collapsed around me: a black hole, once more.

And once more I was forced to sleep.

(c) 2012 Crugi Smear

The Colony

Note to the reader. This story is a follow-up to The Emerald Vagina. If you haven’t, I suggest you read that first.


So this happened on FB.

Wayne: “So why did you quote that whole text message I sent you in one of your fucking stories!? And at the very beginning of the book!! That was a private message Roger, and I shall see that you are charged accordingly for violating my privacy! Have a FUCKING GOOD DAY!”

Me: “Buzz off my shoulder Wayne, and be grateful that someone took notice of your life.”

Wayne: “I shall see that you disappear completely from the face of the internet! You know how well served I am in computers, being such a talented graphic designer and all. So, BE WARNED!”

Me: “So what? You gonna send me a photoshopped picture of you naked as an attachment, so that I freak out to the point that I won’t be able to approach a computer anymore?”

I thought it was funny.

Wayne: “That’s really funny, Roger! You fucking thief of other people’s thoughts! I will punch you in the guts next time I see you!”

Me: “That it easy, take it easy, pal. Now I shall have these your very own words at my disposal, so that if you do anything like that, I will be able to demonstrate that it was you who did it.”

Wayne: “FINE! By the way, do you know what happened to Zarpotax?”

Me: “He’s dead Wayne, Zarpotax is dead…”

So Wayne had been finally signed out from the Kook’s Nest, the mental asylum that is. Or so I thought. And he was ready already to start spreading his insanity again in the world like he was one of those Chinese flu viruses that are so very stubborn and persistent. Zarpotax being one of the main characters in the plot that made him go insane. Because, you see, last time I saw Wayne he was channelling, that is communicating, with this Supreme Being, Zarpotax that is, and Wayne was telling me the story of this chap, and how he had landed on this alien planet and so on. And this Zarpotax was allegedly talking through him! I even asked the alien guy questions, for Christ’s sake! But then a few minutes later, completely out of the blue, my deluded friend snapped, and I saw him jump onto this innocent lad, who just happened to be there, having Wayne in the meantime sentenced this very guy to death on behalf of this other Supreme Being who was freaking channelling to him too! And this last fucker commanded Wayne to kill the innocent lad, and so then Wayne started shouting and threatening like crazy, and then there was a fight, and then chaos and blood, and police and so on.

That was the last time I saw my deranged fellow.

In the meantime I’d published a collection of short stories, and, he was right! I used his text message at the very beginning of the book, but so what? Insanity does not have owners. Like Genius, it is out there for everyone to chew! Like something sacred and very precious, and so very human.

And then I forgot about him.

A few days later I heard a knock on my door.

It was Wayne.

He looked very sad and troubled, and so I let him come in. He was clean from booze, but you could see that he was already in some place so deranged, that alcohol would have been utterly irrelevant. We sat down at my table, and I offered him a tea, always glancing at him wondering when he would snap, if he would. And then he said:

“You know Roger, I’ve been going through a very rough patch in the White House.”

“You mean the mental asylum, of course…” – self-evident like. You know, the capitals not channelling through very much in real voice.

“You can call it so, if you will. I mean it was really intense how everybody was always up for me, and constantly asking questions about the minutest details, and not even one of them able to take a decision on their own! And they would ask, and ask!” – Wayne looked a bit upset.

“Well, I guess that’s what you have to go through to get better.”

“YES! That’s EXACTLY what they were saying!! All the time! We’re here to make you get better!” – he seemed exasperated.

“And so what happened?”

“Well, I was a novice, you know, of the big stage, and so on.”

“What ‘big stage’?”

“I mean, going global for everyone to see, and taking very important decisions, and so on.”

“What are you talking about? I don’t understand. I thought you were talking about the ‘white house’.” – how ingenuous I was!

“Exactly!!” – very confirmative in tone.

“Go on then.” – and I had this very strange feeling at the mouth of my stomach.

“So I was the President, right? The big shot.” – feeling got confirmed, pretty much. “And I was pretty much a newbie at all this, you know?”

“Of course, no one’s born a president…” – I indulged him, feeling a gust of hopelessness and a smear of distress.

“No, but I mean, as a channeller!”

“Of course…” – matter-of-fact like.

“You know, I had had a bit of experience with Zarpotax, and then Lord Zinax, this one being really nasty, and playing tricks and what not, but, you know, me being such newbie and all, well, it wasn’t that much experience. And so all my assistants there, and counsellors, and what not, they were constantly trying to push me to improve, and get better at it. Channelling I mean.”

“Mmmh mmh…!” – like, whatever!

“But I was TRYING! You know? I really WAS trying…”

And he sank in his chair, exhausted like. I poured him another cup of tea.


“So what you make of this now? I mean, you still channelling at all, like still having a chat with these supreme beings out there every now and then?”

“No! God no…” – the grip on my stomach loosened up a bit. “I mean, it became out of control, I mean, just too much. I just couldn’t handle that Roger, I wasn’t strong enough!”

“Good!” – I said.

And I thought for a moment that he may be doing ok, but then he said:

“You know, at the beginning I was doing ok. They wanted to use my skills in order to establish a contact with the base on the dark side of the moon.”

“I see.”

“And, you may not know, but on the other side of the moon there was this whole Federation of spaceships stationing there just waiting for a decent channeller to emerge here on Earth, you, know, so to have them formally introduced to Earth, as in, to our own civilization.”

“Yes.” – a gust and a smear.

“I mean, at the beginning I could handle it. They made me talk to all these big shots from this moon colony, and everybody was getting along just fine, I mean the White House and the Federation were establishing these very strong bonds, and it seemed that we were getting really close to UFO Disclosure. But still, my diplomacy skills were not so advanced, and I still had to learn so much more, and it showed!”

“What you mean?”

“Well you know, like when the Queen Mother of Asketon started telling me all these confidences about her nephew, and then you know, me having a big mouth and all, and feeling so very much for the distress of the poor kid…”

“What’s he got?” – I interrupted.


“The kid, the nephew.”

“Well, he started growing these tufts of hair all over his proboscis, I mean the one at the back, and this thing being considered so very much embarrassing by these people, and me just questioning around for like medical advice and so on, I mean, I was meaning to help the kid, you know, her auntie being so distressed herself for his condition, and me being so damn sensitive about things.”

“You are indeed…” – I said.

“Yes, and so when the Queen Mother found out that I was so liberal in sharing her family’s medical history, well then there was like a diplomatic incident, pretty good one, I have to say.”

“What happened?”

“Well, they started dividing themselves in factions, like pro- and anti-tufts like, and all of them got into a bit of skirmishing with each other, you know, just big diplomatic warnings at the beginning, but then, after like a week or so, the whole colony was like a fucking hot hub of spaceships lasering each other to death, and explosions, and just sheer chaos!”

“Sounds intense.”

“It was. I cannot describe to you how intense some of the conversations I had with those pilots were, I mean, when they were like falling and crashing on the surface. It was seriously driving me insane.”

“I bet you on that, pal.” – you know, easy game.

A knock came on my door.

They were nurses from a mental asylum, ogre-looking, and police, ogre-looking but duller, and they told me that Wayne had escaped from their asylum, and that they had been looking for him for the past couple of days, and that I was on the list of the people he knew, and so they were just checking whether I had seen him. And then this hamletic dilemma started grappling with my brain, because I pitied Wayne, and I was not sure he’d be happier in there, and I was not sure whether the world would be happy with him around either. But Wayne solved it for me because he came to the door himself, very innocent, like a child, and said:

“Duane?” – asked Wayne, tentative like.

“Yes, it’s me Wayne.” – replied the nurse I had been conversing with so far.

“O good day Duane!” – said Wayne all excited.

“Good day to you Wayne.” – said Duane, very cautious and on the alert.

“You know Duane, I’m sorry I did such a mess!”

“Don’t worry Wayne, it’s fine. Just come away with me, and everything is going to be just fine. You are with me?”

“Sure Duane, but what about the colony? I mean, maybe you should start looking for another President, you know? Me having screwed up so much, and all. I mean I don’t know if I can handle other pressure like that!”

“No more pressure for you Wayne, I promise. Shall we go? Are you coming with me?”

“Sure Duane.”

The nurse nodded to me, and that meant: Please remove the door chain latch, Sir. And so I did. And then they waited for Wayne to caress that threshold, and then they jumped on him as if he had been the most dangerous criminal on the planet, that needed being strapped and immobilised so brutally. So I asked the nurse, this Duane, about what seemed to me an overly excessive treatment. And he said:

“Sir, I don’t know if you read the papers or what. But this guy here is responsible for the worst inmate disturbance and mass escape from the asylum since its very foundation. I can tell you, I’ve never seen anything like this guy in my whole professional experience! He’s the best, so to say. And I can tell you also that he and his mates made so much damage that, I’m not sure whether you can appreciate a sci-fi metaphor, sir, but it was like the whole place was like a fucking hot hub of spaceships lasering each other to death, and explosions, and just sheer chaos!”

And he left.

(c) 2012 Crugi Smear


The world wasn’t too difficult to understand. People coming, people going, some greedy bastards, some generous losers, some make it some don’t, all speaking in tongues, so many of them languages, lots of them, so many declinations and conjugations and accents, male / female speech, polite speech, vulgar speech, seedy speech. The problem was that the world did not understand ME. Or not the way I wanted it to anyway.

“Good morning Roger!” – would holler my landlord.

“YAAK!” – would I promptly reply. I felt a bit guilty because one of my buddies smashed the place really good the previous night, and I hadn’t paid the rent for as long as I could remember, it was a matter of principle of some sort, and the old bag lived next door, and so he knew and heard, and did nothing. And the old bastard would look perfectly fine and satisfied with my answer. He would carry this slight shit-smeared grin. It could have been a good-morning or a fuck-you-old-man, for what he knew.

Or take the grocery lady, she would stamp a permanently-frozen smile on her face tossing all this innuendo at me, and one day she would ask for my number, and I’d yell to her: “YAAAK!” and she would look ecstatic, shivering in pleasure. Next thing I know, we were making it at my place, when all I wanted were those little tomatoes, the Neapolitan variety, the ones that are good for pizza, you know.

“Goodbye Roger boy, I will never forget last night!”


And life went on.

I was an artist. A bit of music, a bit of writing, you know, all that’s necessary and sane enough to shield yourself from the whole freaking insane outdoors. So, as a musician, they called me the String-Snapper. I know, it’s silly, but there you go, we live in silly times. And so I always ended my gigs on guitar with Fueco by the great Roland Dyens, the third glorious movement of fire and virtuosity and sensuality from the majestic Libra Sonatine. The only truly heavy metal piece for classical guitar ever composed. And over the years I had arranged things so just so that the very last note of that last piece, a sforzato like no other in the history of the instrument, that very last note, I said, would invariably make the lower E string snap off the bridge like it was jumping from it, and then died. And it always worked. I don’t know if it was the Devil or what, but the gig would end on that very last note, and once I would look toward it, I would find the string snapped, almost bleeding and all. Sometimes I thought it was spooky. But people loved it, they went freaking crazy about it, and the girls loved it, so much mucho sensuality sliding a vibrato up their pretty legs, and so on. And it made it for me too. I mean, it’s always nice to please the people, you know, the fame-thirsty-celebrity-hunting-bullshit-reading-freaking-nuts sort of types.

They pay well.

The phone rang. It was 15:37 pm.


“Mr Prandelli? It is about the TV job”


“Well yes, that is so…”


“Sort of, Mr Prandelli. I actually agree with what you just said but…”


“No problem, then…”

I was invited to a TV show. I wanted red lighting in the studio, and only shots from my right-hand side. I was very specific with my agent. No reason at all, it was just caprices. And I also told him to fucking leave me alone in the mornings, being so early you know, and I told him like nasty things, and dismissive things, and begging, and ignoring, and he would always come back to me and be really nice and supportive and understanding. My agent was as numb as a rubber wall.

The TV station was a major one. I made a point of making my best to make it dumb and stupid. The audience was dumb and stupid. And so was I. The host was a big shot from Transylvania. He flew over here one day, got naturalized, and then adjusted to a new, more compelling form of vampirism. He loved it, everybody did.

I suffered it.

“Throw him DOOOWN!!” – yelled the audience, sort of angry-ogre like.

I was on top of this decorated ladder, and below was a water basin, and it felt like they were choosing between Jesus and Barabbas, and if they chose me then I must have been Jesus. And so I fell into the basin, and it was REALLY cold.


O how they laughed.

Ads on. “Three minutes!”

Then came the part with the interview. The light was green, and the camera was fixed on my left-hand side. I mean, my agent had gone insane!

“So, what’s the story with your new book?”

I didn’t want to explain, I wanted to let my art speak on its own merit. And so I read an excerpt, with a very grave expression, and full-of-bullshit sort of like.

And it read:

YAK yak yaaak YAAAK! Yak yak yak YAK YAK YAK! YAAAAAK!!

Yak YAK yaaak YAAAK! Yak YAK yak YAK yak YAK! YAAK!


O how they loved! and cheered! and praised my blessed soul granting them a bit of solace from that piercing black hole sun of insanity, I mean, from their lives! And it told tales of blood and murder, the just ones being hung and the bad ones getting away with the gold and the girls. At least this is how I saw it. I think they saw it sort of more like tales of class and struggle, and so on. But I’m digressing.

So the plot goes:

A vampire who switches from human blood to a new form of blood: customers’ accounts, – the blood gone digital in the meantime, and how the guy made it and became so very powerful that the UN secretary would call him in the morning just to say: “Good morning sir” and this guy would then plan with his mates the best way to steal all the money from everybody else who was not a mate, or just not mate enough, and the audience LOVED the poor guy getting rich, they loved the motherfucker struggling because in the end he could dispense life and death at his own discretion, and he was like a god, a god worthy of worship, and they followed him like sheep thinking the freaking bandit was leading them to ever lasting peace and joy, and BULLSHIT! But he missed something. And it was love. So I gave the chap a high-class whore and made her dress like a horny Arabian princess, and so the guy felt complete. And they shagged, and they shagged a bit more, and then a tad bit more still. And the audience was now appeased, post coitus, all strung out on a silly high of junk.

“Charming stuff Roger.”

“YAK!” – drawled I, a bit galvanised and all.

And then there was the music bit.

I played like the Devil possessed me, and it was flawless, and the vibratos were full of colour and grace, and the crescendos were breath-taking and the diminuendos put you at peace with the fact that you were buried in outstanding bills. I was reaching the end of it, a few more notes and I’d be damned if they didn’t call me the String-Snapper, however silly that sounded!

So I hit the last note, and then there was this blissful silence. And then more silence. And more, until it became unbearable silence! So I looked down toward the bridge of the guitar, and I saw the Unexpected. The audience was in disbelief, open mouths drooling, tittering, just hanging there, half-chewing. It was a HUGE YAWN that came sweeping over my head like a gust from a tornado, and it was cooold. The bloody string was just hanging there, not feeling much suicidal today, no snappy snap, no nothing. Just hanging there!

So I said:

“What the heck!?”

And then I really felt it, the audience was on the brink of panic, but it hung in there for a second, like my bloody string, and then they all started booing me. The whole lot of bummers were going wild, booing and BOOOOOOING me! It was utterly embarrassing. But I figured I achieved what I wanted, they heard me alright, my real voice I mean, after all these years of having them on, you know, conning them into thinking they were so clever and all, while in reality just feeding them junk, and they were all just a formless mass of doodle-squat to me who did not recognise a pearl when they saw one, and they usually took dung for diamonds, and what not.

A lighter flew by me, a metal one, really close and fast, then a shoe, a bit slower than the lighter, and so on. And so I got up and went for the backstage like I was possessed by the demon of running. So they finally saw through me, I thought, and they understood my con. Maybe they were cured! I considered while contemplating the uncontrollable frenzy from a wing of the theatre. Maybe they won’t take any bullshit from anyone anymore! I pondered. But was it really so?

And so I made it for the dressing room, and packed all my stuff in haste. My manager came by and:

“Roger, are you alright?”

“YAAAAK!!! I mean, we’ve got to get THE HELL out of here!!” – I replied.

And so I ran out still pondering whether they were now free or not, and what will the papers say about this, and will I still find a job, and so on. But I would never know any of these pressing questions, because that very same evening, after I had fought through the angry mob that simply wanted to disembowel me, and after I had reached for my limo, I found out that the bleeding driver was missing! The bugger must have gone for the loo or something, and the keys were not there either! And so the mob circled my limo and started thumping it, and THUMPING IT!

“O there he is!” – said I to myself when I saw the corpse of my driver being dismembered, and then I saw my manager also being ripped apart in front of my window. I had no time for sentimentalism, they were bloodthirsty, they would be coming after ME! And so a faceless guy smashed the rear window, and he pulled my collar, and he was after my blood, and I felt exhausted, and so very tired, and so I let him. There was NO CHOICE! So they ripped the limo apart, and the glass went smashing in, and my body was without guard, I was now being carried outside, and then my body was naked in front of Nature. I shall let them! I said to God. I shall see that they are awake! And so they ripped me apart, and my bowels were passed around like voodoo amulets and worth of kissing and tearing.

They had me all.

I was good and tasty.

As pig food, I was quite something.

(c) 2012 Crugi Smear

The Oracle

He was a hero, he had no legs, nor arms. He fought in the Battle for Talamina, or so he said, whenever that took place, and he was revered as a holy relic. People came from all over the known world to adore him, and threw stuffed chickens at him, and coconuts, and baked coffee beans, some even gold! They would plead with him for well-being, or sexual arousal, and one had crooked limbs, another a stiff back, a local murderer had escaped the fetter house, and would the oracle I’m presently begging smite him with the mightiest of lightnings? and so on.

His name was Ascinto, his legs and arms had been left on a rocky island, off the coast of the Land of Figs, where he had met an Angel; and the Angel got a bit upset, being the guardian of that place and a bit concerned about humans messing again in his boss’ garden.

Talamina was the name of the local Oracle and a renowned sacred prostitute. She served her fair lady Inanna, goddess of sex and war. It was she, the Oracle, who transmitted to the ancients the idea of having small images of people fucking in every possible position carved on seals. These were the most ancient commercial business cards from the sun-smitten Holy Land. And so the pornographic industry picked up people’s imagination, and pretty quickly lots of perverts, transfixed by the sheer quality of the sacred sex on offer, jumped onto the wagon, some even got rich very fast. Eventually, the competition became so excruciating that Talamina all of a sudden found herself broke. It must be said that, at the time of our story, she already was very old, like an old rag she had withered away, she was rugged and weather-beaten, with scruffy hair. Her tits were sooo long she could make a knot out of them and toss the knot onto her back. And she often did, when she would wash her hair. She was revolting, and she rarely hit a successful prediction anymore.

She was over.

And so, when she saw Ascinto lying at the feet of the Angel she saw the Potential. She picked up the trunk with a head, wrapped it up in a white linen cloth, dumped the package in a wheelbarrow, and left for home. Her home was a cave, and she had all the things necessary to act out like an oracle. Fumigants and oils, make-ups and thunder-sounding lead slabs hanging from the ceiling, jars of unguents, lapis lazuli powder for the incontinent, fermented eyes of spider for the demented, and so on. She hollered: “NO MORE!” and then a shadow retreated to the recess of the cave, the dormant fireplace picked up heat again, and the vault was lit up once more. She tossed the content of the wheelbarrow onto the floor. It sloshed and smeared the gravel with blood.

“You shall live, I tell you trunk! It is my duty and hope.”

Talamina started applying medical oil to the bleeding parts of the truncated body. She cast a spell on it while rubbing. She got up and went to the larder, picked up a jar with some powder, and blew it into the nostrils of the limbless thing. “I shall see to you, my treasure. A godsend from an angel, from the great Metatron! You shall live I TELL YOU!” – she screamed and screamed, bumping and grinding like crazy, blowing powder all over the place, and in the end the head started wiggling, and the voice of Ascinto could be heard:

“Why did you resuscitate me old witch?” – he spat a glob of blood.

Then he was crying. But the witch couldn’t hear him, her heart having plunged into the Abyss as she was now feeling near-death.

The magic had worked.

“You shall see Ascinto that my home can be very cosy and warm, if you could only follow me for a minute…” – Ascinto was presently rolling on the floor.

“I thought I fixed your seat alright!”

The witch was getting mad at him.

“There’s nothing I can do!” – he complained.

His face fell onto a smear of rattlesnake bile that mixed with his tears.

“Yes there is. I told you, the head is the heaviest part of our body, in proportion to all the rest of course, and if you just take enough care to keep balance by ever so slightly move your head according to the shifting centre of balance, then voilà, I mean, you’re not going to roll over all the time.”

“I say you are just a MAD COW!! Why the hell did you resuscitate me in the first place!? To have me roll over like a dumb manikin in your spit and animal venom on the freaking floOOor!?”

Ascinto was crying again.

She sat by him, lifted up his head and laid it gently on her lap. He had the most harmonious face, his eyes were fierce and blue, she couldn’t explain why but she felt transported by him.

“Please tell me!” – he begged, and sobbed.

She reached for his lower belly, and started caressing him.

“Why you do this to me?” – he asked in vain – “Oooah, I… Hey, wait a minute! AH! Aaah ah aaaaah ah ah… Well, alright then, yes… like so, yes, yes, YES! Keep on going, a bit more, don’t slow down. Perfect! Keep going… O GOD! O MY LORDSHIP and all the angels, YES! O gosh, yes, o yes… o my god, god bless…” – he fell asleep.

The shadow returned from the recess of the cavern, as everyone was now going to their beds. It slimed its way through the crevices, it crawled underneath the furniture, and sank into the pool only to re-emerge a second after, it kissed Ascinto’s belly, ascended the length of his trunk, and sneaked into his ear:

“Wakey wakey, you fool!” – it hissed.

“What’s that?”

“My name is Nimbiz, I am the shadow master. I’m gonna tell you a secret, and now you listen very carefully.”

He was listening.

“The witch can give you your limbs back if she so chooses. Remember she used to be a powerful oracle, she was revered and all. This is a derelict place now. I am fed up with all the loneliness and the deadness of it. Once it used to be crowded, and full of freaks, no offence, and interesting! Now, it doesn’t make sense anymore. It’s not fun, I mean, could you please just consider this fact…” – it paused.

Ascinto was tired, very tired.

“Don’t you dare fall asleep on me!!” – hissed the shadow again. A good hiss, it almost made Ascinto go deaf. But it was all inside of his ears, no one else could hear, not the witch, who was snoring like the whole place had been built on top of a tube station.

“I say LISTEN TO ME, you mortal fool!”

Ascinto opened his eyes, he was paying attention.

“You beg the witch to give you your limbs back. You kill the witch. You are free, I am free. What you say?”

“Mmmph…” – he rolled something in his mouth, then spat a glob of blood. A bit darker than before.

“Your blood is getting darker, you’ll soon be dead anyway. The magic lasts only so long, unless you make a commitment to live, but you seem to be pretty miserable, and I see that you would rather die. I’m just telling you that it doesn’t have to be this way.”

Ascinto hesitated a bit. He was worried that the shadow might be just right, what had he to lose anyway? and so…

“Ok then…” – and fell asleep, exhausted.

When Ascinto awoke he was all strapped and latched onto a wooden plank that kept him erect. He found himself standing on the same spot that previously belonged to the venerable Oracle: a raised stone platform that acted as the altar for worship and pleading. He was wrapped up in silk clothes, deep blue and crimson, a reminder of the sea that witnessed his mutilation, and of the plentiful blood he had spilled only to become a venerable relic himself. Fumigants were fumigating, the lead slabs were thundering away, and that got him awake.

“Will you please stop THAT? I beg!”

Talamina stopped. The gear was working fine. She unclutched the ropes that connected to the slabs, and addressed him:

“I came up with this charming story. It’s good for marketing purposes, you know? I thought that we could sell this act like some sort of rendition of a gentle maid-warrior rescuer sort of drama. Yes, we’ll say that you were not just passing by the glorious Metatron and then got butchered for no particular reason at all, which sounds pretty lame, you see, we shall say instead that you came to my rescue, and that it was the majestic Inanna who commanded you so. And that will help keep the tradition of my fair lady alive, and then I won’t have to wither away like a destitute witch!” – she was clapping her hands.

Ascinto spat another glob of blood. It seemed darker now, almost black. It freaked him out for a moment, and the words of Nimbiz came to him like a shaft of hope. So he overcame his pride and disgust, and breathed in deeply as if to embolden himself. Then he spat out:

“O purest of the Oracles, o Nurturer of my miserable life!” – Talamina was now dancing in frenzy rapture. She wasn’t paying any attention to him.

“I BEG YOU!” – he screamed on top of his lungs. Talamina came out of her joyful bliss and set her eyes on him. He continued:

“Please, o my gracious Oracle, give my limbs back to me, for they were my dearest companions in battle, and it never occurred to me to give them praise on behalf of their usefulness BUT NOW! when I am crippled and deprived of them. And I…”

“That is out of the question!” – interrupted the witch. “You aware this may spoil the whole marketing idea!? How shall I live without a source of income? You tell ME!”

“I thought you loved me dearly Talamina, like I DO love you!” – that came as tough to say, very much. He went on:

“If it is really so, like I hope, I beg you! There is only one thing that I count as dearest right now, and that is my limbs. I beg you, o graceful Oracle…” – Ascinto drowsed.

The magic was starting to fade away. But the witch, once more, wasn’t paying any attention, she was a bit insane with age, you know?

“We shall say that you fought the Battle for Talamina!” – she pressed on. “O what a brilliant idea I just had right here and now!” – oozing self esteem – “And that is because, of course, it makes no harm to entitle a battle to a venerable Oracle anyway, what you think dummy?”

No reply. She went close to him, and slapped him really hard. Ascinto woke up, and it seemed to the witch that those fierce blue eyes were flaming contempt at her. Still, he could function well enough for the moment, and it was about time to test her new toy.

“Please do come by, you derelict plebes! Seek solace from the hardships of your miserable lives! And come to my cosy cave, and admire the new Oracle of the Land! Come admire the saviour of Inanna’s sweetest daughter, that is ME! The hero who fought the invincible Metatron, despising his own life in order to come and rescue my humble bones! He fought the bravest of battles, the battle that now carries my own very name, the mighty Battle for Talamina!”

“How vain…!” – whispered an old woman, matter-of-factly, to her neighbour.

The witch was on the streets first thing in the morning, shouting at every soul she met, advertising the showcase event, spreading the gospel of this new powerful Oracle that would again bring fame and richness to the Land. She was giving away free cookies to the kids, and free erotic seals of her own making to the adults. The latter going like nuts about those dirty things! And the more crippled you were, the more she would shout at you.

“Come and regain your lost sexual prowess! Straighten up your lifeless stick! Because all this can the new Oracle grant you, if he so chooses!” – she said to this chap.

“Alright then…” – he replied following her with his limp.

She felt in high spirits again, very active, and ready to roll once more. She would challenge this rotten unbelieving ancient world! that despised her more than feared her. And she would astonish all those who lost faith in her powers, and she would prove them all wrong!

She felt hot, and a bit crazy like.

And so around noon an unhealthy procession began: of crippled and deformed, and of women accompanying their ashamed husbands, and sex maniacs from the industry and amateur ones, and women who just wanted to tell their neighbours, and journalists, and TV personalities, and so on, and all this variegated crowd was queuing at the entrance of Talamina’s cave. It was a miserable and depraved sight, but for the witch that meant offerings of food, and fragrances, and maybe she could even gather a few shekels of gold! Her eyes were glowing, while Ascinto’s eyes felt very heavy and he just wanted to sleep for good, and not think much about anything. But there he stood on the stone altar, surrounded by choking fumes and half-listening to the miserable types who proceeded in front of him.

The witch had come up with an ingenious device to deliver answers and consolation to the afflicted plebes. She would hide underneath the altar, and after a pleading had ended, she would slip a dried leaf through a slit at the feet of Ascinto, and every leaf had a different message, and he was meant to pronounce those words aloud. And every message would deliver the same script: you shall go in peace, your pleading shall be granted, and, by the way, don’t forget to leave your offerings at the feet of the altar, and you can go now, thank you very much.

And this went on until sunset appeared.

And so, when the very first darkness started pouring from the Deep and spilled over the earth, and then the earth was once again covered like with a linen cloth, or something like that the Sumerians used to say, Talamina decided it was time to retreat and to start counting the treasures she had newly acquired. But there was only this one man left in the line. And he looked like a brute. He wouldn’t move. He just stood there at the entrance, towering like an oversized ogre, and he would make it impossible for the old woman to shut the gate. He had stuck a wedge of wood next to the doorjamb, and wouldn’t take it out.

“Why are you showing such disrespect for a sacred place, you fool! We must close! The Oracle is exhausted for the day! You know you shall suffer the consequences of your actions!” – threatened the witch.

“I shall suffer the consequence anyway, if I don’t get anything old witch. I have a very demanding job tonight, very demanding scene indeed.”

“What do I care of your petty excuses? Just leave and be grateful I don’t incinerate you on the spot!”

The brute was very much engaged in thinking through the task that was awaiting him. He was pressed to explain:

“I mean, if you could still do what you would normally do, I mean when you were young and all, you would agree that THAT is demanding. You know, there’s this new director that came here and he likes all sorts of freaky action, and one on top, and two on the side, and swap all the time, and then run like a madman to the other side of the room, and start again, one on top, two on the side, and then they bring in all these new Chinese gadgets, and you know, it’s hard to compete with something that is ALWAYS permanently stiff, and you are just a human, and you get tired, and you just need a break and no one listens, always budget problems, and you stop, and you are out of business! I mean, the competition is excruciating!” – god, it felt tough.

“Tell me about it…” – sighed the witch.

“I mean, please old lady, just give me a chance, will you?”

“Alright then. Come on in, but I warn you. Be quick, and don’t forget to leave your offerings at the feet of the altar.”

“Sure lady, thank you. I appreciate that.”

The brute went in following the old woman, and took the wedge from the doorjamb. Then he stuck it at one extremity of a stick he was carrying with him, and then he lowered his makeshift axe on the woman’s head. She collapsed, but he kept beating her, until he reckoned no breath came out of her mouth. And then a loud shrill pierced the air. It was Nimbiz, the shadow master. He engulfed the vault in an impenetrable darkness. So the brute became scared all of a sudden that he might have angered the Oracle. But Ascinto had passed away long before that. And there was nothing he could have done anyway, being not really an oracle himself. So nothing was happening, and the brute stared grabbing at random in frenzy, and he grabbed and grabbed like a possessed, hoping to get some precious metals in the loot, if Fortune would so grant him .

And then he left.

When Talamina regained conscience, she acknowledged the mess, and thought that that might have been a sign of bad Fortune, and that maybe with her actions she had angered her mistress Inanna. She looked at Ascinto. He was asleep, so very pale. And so, as if struck by a lightning, she realized in the end. It just clicked in her head! And so she shivered, and her heart shrank, and shrank. She now knew all too well that time was ticking away, and that her ideas might well just end up being worth a delusion. He was dying! The Oracle had not very long to live left! And so she revived, and considered her transport for him, and for a moment she dreamt that this one good deed from her could grant her his love. And so she commanded to her heart that Ascinto had to live, and prosper, and be with her, no matter what! How could she lose those eyes? She sighed. And how could she give up that craggy face? And what powerful limbs you shall have my lovely dove! and so on.

And so the witch, without Ascinto’s knowledge or approval, started working on some new magic. A magic so powerful that he would eventually regain his limbs.

“To hell with marketing and all! I shall gain a young lover! and be pleased and make love! And if only I could convince him to stay…!” – sort of sad and delusional in tone.

But it so happened, and it was just by mere accident, her being excited and all, that Talamina let slip an unexpected ingredient in the concoction. It was a very sought-after variety of dried human brain powder, all the way from Ur III, that she looted in the Royal Tombs one night many years ago, when she was still young and brave. Quite an ingredient that was! It gave immortality and reversed a range of effects. And so what the old witch prepared ended up being quite different from what she had planned.

The smearing of oils, and the screaming of spells with all the bumping and grinding all over the place started again, until the witch found herself drowning into the Abyss once more, and then fell into a catatonic state.

It took a few days, but eventually Ascinto’s limbs started growing back. They sprouted like little phocomelic flowers at the beginning, but in the end they developed and bloomed into full-fledged limbs worthy of such a brave warrior as he was. And one day, when he saw that he could stand up if he so chose, he did. He looked for the witch, and he saw her asleep. So he sprang like a battering ram, and charged the old witch in her bed, with all his strength and all the hate he possibly had. And she let him do it, the brute’s attack having weakened her so much. And it was very clear by now that her new love would not have considered spending the rest of his life with her, and that she was so very old, and getting tired of all this coming up all the time with new tricks for a crust of bread, and a prolonged miserable life.

So, while Ascinto was strangling her with his bare hands, the witch so chose to leave her body, and be gone from among the mortals and their sorrows. And she ascended to her lady Inanna, who had been waiting for her all that time, like for the most precious of her lost daughters, and who has been waiting for her ever since: the old witch getting lost on her way to the Heavens, her being a tad bit demented with age, and forgetting where it was that she wanted to go in the first place, and so on. And so Talamina left her body, and then her corpse collapsed like an empty bag. And a loud piercing shrill engulfed the cave.

Darkness fell like a snap.

“Cut the crap, will ya! I did this for you too, mate!”

“Alright then, just conditioned reflexes, you know?” – replied Nimbiz, who was now retreating back to its crevice. But then, at the last split second, as if he had remembered something important, it stuck out its head and said:

“You’re a demigod now Ascinto! I can see it in the Radiance of your face. The old witch not only gave your limbs back, but also made you immortal. You earned it pal! May the gods cherish you forever and ever! I shall soon be free myself!”

“Thanks lad, but I just wanted to enquire with you about the fact that my limbs seem to be slowly shrinking again… Any idea about that?”

“Well, that may well be just a side effect. Just sleep it over, and you’ll see that tomorrow will be an even brighter day!”

And so he did.

He slept it over, and the following day he woke up. It was the early hours of the morning, when silence still dominated the outside wilderness, and no living creature dared venture into the perilous darkness, or so he thought. Ascinto felt a light itching on his arm, and tried to quench it, but there was nothing to quench it with, and nothing to quench either. His arms being gone, and his legs too!

“It seems that the witch has put a counter-spell on you, and that you shall lose your limbs once again in atonement for the killing of a sacred being.” – hissed Nimbiz.

“You never told me that! You sick scavenger of people’s hopes!”

“How could I KNOW!? I’m giving you an educated guess here, pal. Also, it may be, just may be, that this condition of yours, now that you are a demigod, may last forever…” – sort of hesitant, but also pretty much matter-of-fact like.

“What you mean LAST FOREVER!? you MOTHERFUCKER! You liar, and con man! I’ll kill you Nimbiz, I swear I’ll kill you somehow, someday!”

Nimbiz did not reply, he had left already. He was never to be seen any more. He was now free! So the shadows disappeared, and the fire in the middle of the room picked up heat at that most unusual hour of the day, and the cave became all lit up again.

In the meantime, early pleaders were starting to queue outside already, and discussing about this new Oracle of the Land, who all of a sudden was so much HOT again.

He was a hero, he had no legs, nor arms. He fought in the battle for Talamina, or so he said, whenever that took place, and he was revered as a holy relic. People came from all over the known world to adore him, and threw stuffed chickens at him. He never liked chicken, and he was sick of it all. He just wanted to die.

But couldn’t.

(c) 2012 Crugi Smear

The Source

So we were sitting around this bonfire, and this girl kept swaying her legs in the air, and crossing them really high, and then she was spreading them wide, like crazy, collapsed on a chair, for everyone to admire, and so very much horny looking.

So I went to her, and said:

“Lady, you gotta be careful with those weapons because I think you are driving everyone insane, including me!”

And she said: “Nice that someone notices.” – almost like winking a smile.

So maybe, just maybe, I thought to myself, it could happen tonight.

And we talked nonsense, words being pretty much irrelevant, and my eyes where hypnotised by this rim in the stockings that if you follow it up up up it leads to that most special of places, and she was very careful to show just enough, pulling up her skirt ever so slightly, and I looked into her eyes: and they were insane! like cracks into the Abyss of Psy. She reminded me of the old crazy whore on the beach in Fellini’s Amarcord, all growling and moaning, inebriated by the Greek God of Fucking.

I had a hard-on. I had to catch up with months of Big Yawning Nothing, and she was driving ME INSANE!

I was going to do something, like DO SOMETHING! FOR GOD’S SAKE!! But then she turned to a deranged looking fellow on her right, just sipping away at a beer, drunk, hopeless, a zombie in disguise. And she showed him her legs, and kept caressing them. I felt like my connection had been severed from the Source of Life. And she asked this guy: “Don’t you think my legs are beautiful?” and it was hardly a question, it was just a hard fact of life, it could have been scientifically proven too! and she stretched them, straightened them, spun them just a bit so that her muscles showed, and they were fit fit FIT!

The guy said: “Yeah…” – and burped. A tad drunker than before, he collapsed on his side, and he was now landing on those crazy legs as she was trying to dodge him, and in the frenzy of the movement she shifted her butt towards me, ever so slightly, and I SAW IT! I saw the Source, I saw the Origin of the World, and of all that matters and that is warm and good. And my penis was like a gas tank on the brink of explosion. And she was holding the lit match in her hand, and bringing the flame dangerously closer, and closer… It was intense, I started to sweat, and the sweat was cold. All of a sudden it was sooo very cold standing there by the scorching fire.

“Nice baits are THESE, aren’t they?” – she turned to me while shrugging the guy off like he was a piece of stinking rubbish. She paused: “But I am looking for no fish…” – she added, very queenly like, and a bitchy look in her eyes. And they were saying: “I would fuck every man on this whole frigging planet, and I would fuck YOU! if only I didn’t DESPISE YOUR WHOLE LOT!” – I could hear her sigh of contempt. And I figured the guy must have been a guinea pig for her experiments in loneliness, and loathing.

It was pointless.

So I left her to her sadistic attempts at life, and sat next to another bird, but I wasn’t interested very much, I really just started pondering about this, and wondered.

“You ok?” – the bird asked.

“Yeah baby,’ – I replied staring at the fire. “I just escaped from Circe’s lair. Went really close to being turned into a zombie.”

“Well, THAT must have been something…!”

She passed a spliff. I had a puff.

(c) 2012 Crugi Smear


“So tell me Danny boy? How are we gonna save the world?”

“We’re gonna sue those bastards! They kicked my face in as I was lying there on the pavement so hard that I had to drink chicken soup with a straw for a whole week!”

“What the heck you done Danny boy to deserve such inhospitality?

“Just going round my business really, protesting and all. It got pretty tense, I was tense, police was tense, the whole fucking square was tense!”

“So how you got into trouble Danny boy? You threw a Molotov or you reached for your pocket and took out a knife maybe?”

“Hell no! I am a pacifist. I don’t carry no weapons with me. I’m not an idiot!”

“So police are idiots Danny boy, you reckon?”

“Hell no! And stop calling me Danny boy please!”


“So, I was saying no way they are idiots, I mean, they know exactly what they’re doing, they know the Law. And they’d shove a baton up your ass if the Law allowed them to. They’d LOVE THAT!”

“So maybe they’re perverts Danny b…” – the word hanging there, very present. “So what you think?”

“Hell yes! I bet you on that!”

“So how you fight against perverts?”

“I guess you’d need other police, but then, I wouldn’t do that! That’s violence!”

“So who do you think is gonna do violence for you, Danny b…?” – he put a hand onto his mouth.

“I don’t know. Hey, what’s wrong with you? Can’t we institute some sort of fencing against them maybe?”

“And lock yourself up like cattle!?”

“Damn, I guess so. So what you suggest?”

And so on, and so forth.

The writer felt really sexy, and argumentative. His arguments were generally shite, but he felt like he ALWAYS, almost inevitably, made good points. He was an artist! His dick was HUGE. And Danny was just a simpleton in his eyes.

He was the most unpublished writer in the whole history of this over-published planet. I mean even cats were writing books these days, but his stuff just didn’t cut through. Too ‘original’ the publishers would tell him in their rejection letters. Then he would counter-argue that by stating very passionately that he wrote pretty much in the style of Bukowski, and that the bugger was revered as one of the greatest writers, and so WHY NOT HIM!? But he never received a written answer on that, and he took that adjective, ‘original’, to mean that his work was maybe so much too far ahead of its time that it resulted very difficult for the industry to appreciate, and so he occasionally made his friends and acquaintances read his material. Generally he chose the dullest characters, like Danny boy was, or at least so he was in his eyes. That way he had a good chance to harvest a bit of admiration, and if the person was really dull, even awe. He needed that, badly. There are only so many rejections an artist can take before breaking down and starting to look for a 09:00 to 17:00 job. The writer never worked a day in his life, and he had no intention to start anytime soon.

So he had just written a new poem, and he happened to have it at the ready in his back pocket. He looked at Danny, and wondered: is this man strong enough to endure the power of o! this very poem of mine? Shall I give it a go, and take responsibility for a possible brain damage, I mean, for a possible worsening of a current brain damage? Danny was still untested. And so he should see…

So he handed the poem to Danny, and Danny was a bit busy with his PlayStation and all, and so he just put the poem down next to him, and said he would read it as soon as he had killed the Wizard of Arkantobartujans. The stress is on ‘bar’.

How annoying these common people were! the writer thought to himself, a bit disgusted, a bit offended. He wanted to take it back, but the wizard turned out to be a bit of a disappointment, I mean, having advanced so much into the game, and this guy is really just SO DAMN weak. His mana level was really embarrassing. And so Danny was very soon onto the poem,

and it read:

arrogant pricks on top of the line

arrogant pricks with the best salaries

arrogant pricks into politics, pharmaceuticals, slot machines, human trafficking, and making shit-loads of money by the second

the system produces satisfied, self-reliant, overweight arrogant pricks

the system must be wrong

the system produces dissatisfied, doubtful, skinny miserable types

the system is creative

miserable types queuing for the dole

miserable types craggy and shabby

miserable types not conforming

not fitting

not rich enough

not beautiful enough

not drinking Martini

not taking the cab

not staying at the Ritzy

not saving enough money

not having enough money to save

not sexy enough, and with a big belly

not man enough to break the line

not woman enough to care

not casual enough

not knowing what the heck is going on

not listening to the prophets of doom

not listening in general

with the wrong colour match, and the worst nails

with a bad smell in the morning because you drink, smoke, beer-shit too much

with a smartphone, and bills you cannot pay

with dreams of Big Brother

with no dreams

with few neurons eaten away by drugs

with lots of neurons inside of a white soft-walled room, or just in a regular office

with guts and no sense of it

miserable types who sometimes lack water and the internet

who wait weeks for a reply

who sometime never receive a reply

miserable types who sometimes just wanna die

the system must be wrong, I’m craggy and shabby, but the world is ok

“It’s alright, but the end is just silly, Roger.”

A strange silence fell in the room. It felt like when you are masturbating, and your parents catch you in the middle of it. Embarrassing, sort of.

“What you mean?” – asked the writer suffocating his anger.

“I don’t know, this last sentence just feels wrong. The poem is alright…”

“ALRIGHT!?” – yelled the artist.

“Hey, take it easy pal. I mean, it’s good, ok? like REALLY good. It’s just this last sentence that seems to me it makes this marching crescendo sort of die out with a fart, you know like a balloon deflating all of a sudden, and becoming just like a glob of shabby rubber. It destroys the whole thing. You know what I mean?”

“Alright then, try THIS!” – and he handed Danny another piece of paper.

The writer felt humiliated, and his pride felt like it wanted to materialise and jump onto that bugger like a tiger jumping from the middle of the tall grass onto the unfortunate traveller passing by on an elephant, possibly somewhere in Thailand or something. And he said:

“I sent this piece to The Independent as a commentary on the Olympics.”

“Unpublished, right?” – asked Danny, unaware of the tiger trail.

“Unpublished.” – admitted the writer, and his head sank so low that his chin was one piece with his chest.

It was an experimental piece. The writer added a photo as an accompaniment, and he thought that THAT was something that very few would dare do. In the case of lack of talent it would have been felt like a sort of desperate attempt at compensating for something missing, but here it was not just accompaniment, it was counterpoint! It melded with the substance of the script in a way that the two ingredients were not only sustaining each other, but also augmenting each other!

And it read:

Screen Shot 2013-05-22 at 00.19.49

I just saw this picture on La Repubblica online. It’s a bunch of intertwined legs. It is offered as a work of art. But in works of art legs would look beautiful. Here I can only see frail tendons, and suffering. A lot of it.

Isn’t it we concede the status of perfection to stuff that is brutally human, therefore imperfect?

I wonder sometimes about my tendons. Would they look pretty in pictures?

Surely I would have a shag with the leg on the right. God, all those legs…

The Olympics, pardon Lympics, are insane. We are offered an übermensch peek into humanity that is not our own. It does not belong to our own lawn! We are fat, and ugly. We are the people. Do we really need to be rescued by these army of tendons that remind us about how little we have jogged, and sobbed?

I wonder. Maybe I’ll go for a bit of exercise, and beer on the side…

“Did you send them THIS picture, with the caption in Italian?”


“I mean, what’s all this fuss about the legs, and that you want to fuck them? I don’t see much of a commentary ON the Olympics in here…”

Danny was sort of browsing through the whole script looking for something, all innocent like, his eyes glued to the paper. Then he raised his head to check out on the guy, and this guy, the writer I mean, was just standing there, and shivering like he was in agony, or so it seemed to Danny.

“Hey, take it easy pal. No worries, just a tad bit of criticism. You know, criticism is good. That stuff makes you grow. You know what I mean?”

“YOU’RE ALL JUST GONNA FUCKING DRIVE ME FUCKING INSAAAANE!! YOU FUCKING CUNT! I’LL FUCKING KILL YAAA!!!” – and then the writer squealed at the top of his lungs, as if possessed by a demon in a pretty bad mood.

And so he jumped onto Danny, tiger like, and started kicking and tearing, screaming like hell and smashing, and then he saw blood and before he knew it, he was locked up in a police station jail cell.

It didn’t take long to charge him with murder and lock him away for the rest of his days. It wasn’t too bad, mind you. I mean, there was food twice a day, and he was old enough to be left alone, and there was plenty of paper and pens, and so one day he gave the librarian of this county prison this poem he just wrote, and the librarian thought there was just this corner left uncovered, and he didn’t know what to put in there. And so, when the writer came along with his poem he thought: Why not?

And so for the first time in his life the writer had one of his pieces published in this small prison journal that the librarian was curating. People started congratulating him for the poem while he was taking his daily strolls in the prison court. Sometimes he thought it was a bit overwhelming, not being used to much attention and all. It was a poem full of bile for the system and it talked a lot about pussy, and fucking and so on, and a lot of the inmates actually masturbated to that, thinking about the lady with the red dress crossing her legs REALLY high, and showing off her beauty like it was a trout on ice in the local market, but what her character REALLY meant was a metaphor for the whole bloody corrupted system, and the more debauched she was, the more the system stood firmly under indictment. But NO ONE was getting this, they all just bought the pussy school of thought, even the head of the prison, who also masturbated to that. The writer tried to defend the true meaning of his art, but in vain. His poem became what others wanted it to be, the writer being just irrelevant, almost like a ghost hanging there, but not really central.

So in a way it was a success, and the writer, after much struggling, said to himself: I shall give up struggle because it is exhausting me, and it seems so much pointless, and I’m really going to be late for my baking class. And so it came as a bit of a surprise when the following morning they found him hanging from a rope in his cell. And his last note read:


(c) 2012 Crugi Smear

The Hurrian Vagina

I entered the room. Prof ignored me as usual. He was very busy contemplating the latest edition of the Sacred Hymns to Ishtar-Inanna, the Sacred Whore, and Other Related Sex Propaganda, by Wilhelm von Umf, FBA, PhD, MA, BA, Tesco fidelity card, and so on. A majestic piece of scholarship, with its 3,504 pages of utterly speckless philological research. Footnotes ran for 3,033 pages, and prof was now trying to find one very specific note on the nuances in the meaning of the Babylonian suffix –tum when in relation to the Hurrian loanword for ‘vagina’. It was a tough job, and somebody had to do it. His beloved field of study, a jewel in the crown of Futility, had to be advanced. And my prof was the man.

“Good afternoon, Professor.” – I said, falsely amicable; and my spirit descended in an instant into an Abyss of Doom, where dust was covering vast abandoned halls, settling on doorjambs, while I was stuck, longing for something: anything else; I wanted to die, swallowed by the gaping mouth of the Earth: welcoming. Ishtar-Inanna was at my side, the goddess of Sex&War was accompanying me on my personal journey to the Nether, the Land of No Return, whereto she did previously travel herself, and it didn’t go too well. Its mouth was tightly shut, the mouth of the Earth was tightly shut. I was now at the entrance of the Palace of Doom: a big yawn awaiting to swallow me. As for hope, I had already given up.

Prof raised the line of his eyesight, I mean, he did not move one muscle, he just turned his eyes toward me, so that, in case I would prove a rather boring subject, he could go comfortably back into looking for this tremendously important footnote: the guy was a one-track mind, fannying around all day long.

“O, hello Roger!” – he replied when he recognised the specimen under investigation. And he would then usually put on this silly grin, and it was a bit like the Mona Lisa, undecipherable. Was he having a go at me? I usually asked myself. So he was now presently turning toward me, I mean his whole body. I was trapped. I had to sit down.

“So Roger, I see your research is not progressing as I would like it to. I’m wondering whether maybe there is something I am not aware of. Is there any particular issue you’re having that you would like to discuss with me?”

The guy was always direct to the point. He couldn’t appreciate the gloominess of the Gate of Hell I was facing. Oblivious. But there was no time to lose, before the courage disappeared; no reason for beating around the bush. And so I took my first step forward, and spat it out:

“I want to quit the PhD.” – very simple, and pure almost.

All of a sudden a strange silence fell onto the office like a linen cloth, and then night came lurking in like a supple thief, storm-laden thick ugly fat clouds condensed on the horizon. In less than a second it was all winds from the four corners of the world, blowing and bashing the cosmos in, and I stood undefended while rain and HAIL! were coming for me! And everything was just coming for me me MEEE!! And it was Ishtar-Inanna; she was the maker of this calamity! The sacred whore was desecrating the Nether once more, she was swirling winds with a jest of her queenly wand. A queenly bitch she was, defending her own interests: punishing a seditious worshipper.

“It seems to me a rather sudden decision, Roger.” – remarked prof blandly.

I was presently coming out of a tempest, a wretched survivor of the worst freaking hurricane after Katrina. While prof showed no emotions, maybe he had no hard feelings either. Sort of beep beep beeeeeeeep beep, Morse code-like. I cleared my throat:

“I guess it’s been quite an underground process, Professor.” – I was still coughing up the water from my lungs.

“I see.”

The phone rang. “Beep beep beeeeeeeep beep beep beeeeeeeeep!”

He hung up.

“So, where were we? O yes, how is your Hurrian?”

“Pretty lame, Professor. But how does this relate to what I just told you?”

“O nothing. Just trying to intrigue you…” – he sighed, and thought of the Hurrian vagina: mystical-like.

“Sir, with due respect, you may not be aware of it, but I just told you that I want to quit my PhD.” – I was getting rather bored and all. Ishtar-Inanna had left me alone by now. She knew that I had torn the veil. There was no point in her insisting. Ishtar-Inanna, the goddess of Sex&War, knew that I did not give a damn about her anymore. Without my love she was dead. I survived the cataclysmic event. I was alive. As for everything else, I could not care.

“O I am very well aware of that, Roger.” – he flew back into the office.


“So, why would you DO such a thing!?”

For a moment I thought I saw him shiver, as if the notion of quitting a PhD was a damn spooky thing to do. He had no clue.

“I’m getting depressed.” – I spat, like an automated machine gun, more or less.

“I see… beep!” Then he continued:

“Are you aware that you are not only our best decipherer of Babylonian rituals in general, but also the best cataloguer of erotic seals from Sumer? Those tiny little dirty things, so charming…” – he sighed. The Hurrian vagina was hovering all over the place!

“I know, I masturbated a lot to those…” – I whispered, challenging his auditory system. As a dropout scholar I can assure you that Ishtar-Inanna, the goddess of Sex&War, appreciated my remark.

“I beg your pardon?”

“I am very aware of that sir, and I thank you for these your last remarks. I really appreciate your, well, appreciation.”

“And what about your work? Will it just go to waste!?” – intervened prof like he just woke up from a terrible, terrible dream.

“O not at all, Professor! These three years of PhD have been very fruitful for my work. I’ve recorded two music albums about love and disappointment, a lot of it, and bitterness, and I’ve also written three books, my preferred one being about claustrophobia, you know, that subtle sense of slow but inevitable chocking when you get stuck in your life doing stuff that’s just not really useful or important for you.”

“I see…”

The telephone rang. He let it ring.

And it rang, and rang…


He hung up.

“So is there any way that I can stop you? I mean, you seem to have pretty much set your mind on this… like… Ishtar!” – and he shot his finger up into the Heavens, like a spring, all of a sudden, he became entranced, his voice turned very grave but mellow. And he was sort of reciting now, and he maybe even had a hard-on, given all that pussy that was going on in Assyriology, as you can see. And so he went, declamatory-like:

And she set her mind on Kur-nu-gi4-a

Ishtar the Queen set her mind on Kur-nu-gi4-a

The Land of No Return!

The dark and dreadful Netherworld… of Ki-en-gir15!

Sumeria, that is, the last word, for the initiated I guess. He stressed Ki-en-gir15 a lot. I guess it’s always hard to remember, also for an established academic, which ‘gir’ it is you are using when serenading in that ancient language. Then he sank in his chair, like he had used up all his energy for that. And it felt like a Wagner symphony had just ended, with all that pompous pointless flourishing, and incomprehensible BULLSHIT!

“I’ve been to the Nether, sir.” – I was still shivering a bit, very subtly – “And it seems to me that it is so much less dreadful out there, in the real world. I mean, it rains a lot too, but it’s less of a bubble than academia anyway. So…”

“Let me ask you something, and then, if it doesn’t work I shall declare myself defeated.” – interrupted prof.

“Sure. Go on.” – I conceded; hoping for him to make it short and be gone.

“Have you ever considered that you may be giving up not only a brilliant career, but also let’s say all those tiny satisfactions that come with the academic life?”

He looked at me, and I had the feeling that he felt like he had found the Key.

“You have a point there, sir. I mean…”

“Like,” – he interrupted all excited, but in a very selfish way, if you know what I mean, and he said: “free booze at conferences, or pretty young personality-deprived students you could easily charm with your character. You know, easy game…” – he flattened the air with his hand, knife like, and that meant that what he just said was a fact.

“Sure, but…”

“Or long holidays, and time enough to travel around…”

“Sure, but…”

“And prestige, and…”

“Big dicks…” – I whispered, challenging once again his auditory system.


“Forget it.”

Then the clock struck 17:00, and prof all of a sudden was in a frenzy, collecting papers and stuffing them into his suitcase, putting books back on shelves and shutting down his PC, and so on.

“Shall I go?” – I enquired. “I mean, are we finished?”

“Not quite. It’s 17:00 and it’s Friday. Let’s go for a pint. I want to ask you a thing or two.”

So we went to Andie’s Wet Tables, you know, the strip joint next to uni, the one right close to the off-licence off Solace Street… But I’m digressing. He kept talking about all the projects he had, and his latest book was coming out very soon, and you shall see, it will revolutionise the way we understand the past history of the Euphrates. I found out that on this tablet in the BM there is this reference to… and mind you, hapax legomenon and so on.

The good thing was that he was paying for all these champagne bottles, and it wasn’t bad, and the whores kept coming at our table, and me not being very much into that sort of stuff, I was getting pretty bored and it didn’t look like he had any questions for me after all, and so I thought that maybe it was time to go and so I started saying goodbye. And I could see that his expression changed, and it was a bit sad. And so I was a bit sad too.

Then we shook hands.

And then I went.

In the middle of this emotion, that was so much overwhelming him, he started thinking that maybe he hadn’t done his best with me, or so I liked to think, like he had not been a really good manager of my research activity, like a supervisor should have done. And so he searched for something in his back pocket to alleviate his low, and when he could feel its presence there, he seemed to become a bit pacified, and so he could relax just a little. He took this medicine out slowly, with care. It was a piece of paper, which he promptly unfolded, and it was all mouldy and yellow with age. It was a photograph, the picture of a Hurrian vagina, very old, like 1500 BCE or so, part of a monumental stela from Nuzi now in the BM. A monumental hard-on started pounding in his trousers, and POUNDING!

And so this girl, who was a pro, saw it, and went to him and said:

“Shall I blow your dick? It’s only 30 quid.”

“Sorry, what my darling?” – I mean, music was pretty loud.


“O yes… yes please. I think it should do me good…” – he replied, very absent-minded. And so they went upstairs.

(c) 2012 Crugi Smear

Socratic Dialogues

[On a cloud]


“Yes, my son.”

“Do You remember the first time I masturbated?”

“Sure, my dear.”

“I felt a bit guilty after that.”

“Of course!”

“Why does it have to be that way!?”

The Lord looked into my eyes, very gentle eyes, father like and all.

“It is to remind you that I EXIST!” – very solemn in tone, shooting his finger up in the Heavens.

“I see…” – I pondered for a bit. “So, this is why You are so very much obsessed with sex! I mean, all that stuff about purity, and menstrual blood being taboo, and so forth. So that we are constantly, day in day out, year in year out, reminded of Your glory! And people being animals, and pretty much high on hormones all the time, I figure your ears must whistle quite a bit with all that attention!”

“Exactly, my dear, you are very perspicacious.”

“You must feel SO MUCH LOVE!” – I was entranced.

“Well, some swear to me too, you know?”

“I know!” – how rude!

“You did your part too. My dear.”

“I know, I’m sorry.” – I really was.

“O it’s alright. No hard feelings.”

And so on.


“I saw an angel once, in a dream. And she was stripping my flesh from my naked body, and somehow it felt sooo good, and not really strange at all.” – I paused.

“Yes, my dear.”

“Well, what do You think that means?”

I turned towards him, he was very majestic and looked so very wise.

“I don’t really know!” – he replied.

“What You MEAN? Aren’t you meant to know everything!?”

“Who told you that?”

“Well, all sort of priests, and my granny, and family, and pretty much the whole planet I would say!”

“I see, very interesting.”

“I don’t understand!!?”

Then the Lord pointed his finger towards a dot in the sky.

“O look!” – he said, very excited – “A metallic bird is just passing above us! How charming those things are!”

“It’s a 747, Your Lordship.”

“A what?”

“Forget it!”


[After a few days. Rising smoke in the background]


“Yes, my son.”

“Do you remember that time when I made the washing machine start just by gently touching it?”

“Of course, my dear.”

“And my mother thought it was just gone, and then I went into the washing room, and I could feel that you were in me, and that I knew how to make the machine start again, thanks to You, and I knew that my finger would have healed it! And so it did.”

“Hallelujah!” – said the Lord.

“Hallelujah!” – restated I.

“But there is one thing that I don’t understand.”


I paused for a moment to find the right words.

“It’s true that I was all soaked in You, and the Divine, and our sweet Lord Jesus, and what not, but it’s also true that that ardour came from reading this booklet by the Jehovah’s Witnesses. You may recall it.”

“I do, my dear.”

“And it was this sort of analysis, pretty much dumbed down though, of the Book of Revelation.”

“Aaah… Saint John! He had quite a fancy!” – commented God, looking all-content.

“Indeed, that book is marvellous. And so, why was that devotion good anyway when it came from another church? I mean, aren’t Jehovah’s Witnesses like hating the See and even call it the Great Babylon?”

“Indeed, my dear.”

“So why do You count that period of my life as good, as in my favour?”

“I think your education is blinding you, and giving you a bias. Because you were raised catholic, this does not imply that I am catholic.”

“So what ARE You?”


“God! I mean, sorry… what does that mean?”

“I’m sorry, Roger, these are words that are utterly incomprehensible to your humble human ears, and so they may get translated in strangely humorous ways. And so you think you just heard me say something odd, and puzzling, but in reality I just told you the Truth. I mean the sort of Truth that if you come across her, you must have at least a PhD in theology to be able to handle it properly. It can scorch you like stellar rays, and incinerate you in the blink of an eye!”

“Yeah, I don’t think I could handle that, Sir. Theology, I mean…” – and so on.


“The Word is ONE, my dear. The Word is just one…”

“So why are there so many churches and faiths, and confessions and cults, and so on and so forth, when the Word is just one?” – I asked, pretty puzzled.

“Demographics, my dear, demographics.”

“What You mean?”

“I figured that that was the best way to avoid intervening again after the Deluge. You must be aware of the deep sorrow that killing in one go circa 500,000,000 innocent children with their loving and helpless mothers gave me.”

“God, I mean Geez, I mean… whatever! That must’ve been tough…” – he got me there. I felt for the old man.

“And so I thought: Let Man keep Man in check! And let them multiply in religions and sects, and faiths and brotherhoods, and so on and so forth. And let them slaughter each other so that I may be spared responsibility for their abominable sins, and their miserable lives! And, if I can be completely frank with you Roger…”


He leaned over, channelling his voice with his hand into my ear, and whispered:

“I had a horrible experience with my shrink during those sad days. And I was very determined to never go back to him!”

“Why so?” – I whispered back.

“He kept asking me for winning lottery numbers all the time…!” – and he frowned.


[Smoke continues. A hint of flames in the background]


“Yes, my son.”

“I have a whole lot of questions for you, and they’re so many that I don’t know where to start…”

“You have always been far too curious, my dear.” – he interrupted – “And curious people do not do good devout worshipers. And this, I’m afraid, may not play in your favour.”

“But why not!? Weren’t You curious when You gave Adam the faculty of naming things, and animals, and weren’t You there by his side, just to sneak a peek into all those charming names that he was able to come up with?”

“Of course!”

“And weren’t You elated to see Your creature sowing such Good, and Blessing? I mean, isn’t curiosity just a very sane and positive mood, therefore very desirable?”

I thought I made a good point.

“I think you made a good point.” – said the Lord. “Let me just check with my lawyers one sec.” – he picked up the receiver.

[Characters dismount cloud.

One survives, the other dies and goes to Hell.


(c) 2012 Crugi Smear

The Gun

“So tell me Maximilian, what will you do with your newly acquired land? Will you put it into pasture, or maybe you will just wiggle your ass around September early in the morning searching for fat mushrooms?”

“I shall do as I please with my possession, that is indeed valuable and honourable, I shall make the best use of it in my best interest, I could build myself a villa with a gorgeous swimming pool and tennis court, and maybe I could also act in the best interest of the people whom I shall grant freedom of access and circulation. I want music and birds, and socks with no holes and RUNNING WATER!”

“Well indeed, Maxi, it sounds like a plan.”

Geez, you gotta give yourself some distraction when you’re a bum squatting in a tent on Primrose Hill.

So me and Maxi came downtown, just to check how our dominions were doing, and to do a bit of shopping. I had a plan for the evening. Go to the centre, meet Danny, get a load, have a chat, come back home, I lived in a home, have a spliff, make it into a page or so. Type, type TYPE, you FOOL!

We sat down at the table where we usually held our weekly meetings.

Danny boy how are you doing, and what you got? and this and that. We were cool for a while, just chilling out, me and Maxi and Danny, and then Geoffrey arrived. He spat a lot when he talked, he was on lithium, insane, crazy-eyed, giving me a shower, with this big red shirt saying: “Don’t judge me if you don’t know me!” It meant something. The guy was hopeless. Danny boy, pass a skin, would you please! And so the guy went to his missus and found another dick fucking her. And you know what the guy did…? No Danny, no idea, what did the guy do? And Geoffrey would keep talking to himself, and spat and spat, and they don’t give me no respect because I’m black! So tell me Roger, that is me, what’s the deal with Syria, will Bashar get screwed, or otherwise? asked Maxi. Geoffrey was rapping away a bit, ever so gently.

Nice place to come and visit this SOAS student union bar, full of diplomats and their children smuggling drugs, like tiny clones, very fashionable, smearing money onto the cogs of the system, while getting well educated on the green side, well fed, a bit mad but well read, a tad conservative dressed as liberals, well laid, you know, writing essays creates stresses and gases that need venting out, well kempt, and so on.

Dakarai, an archaeologist from the old venerable Great Zimbabwe, took to speak: I am going global now, this tiny black Italian was just staring at me! I have kids ALL OVER the place now! Ecstatic. Bless be the Great Zimbabwe! And Geoffrey: GOD BLESS THE QUEEN! and may all the saints take care of her when she falls into that pit of lava! The daughter of the ambassador of Austria in Togo was staring at me. Alright, alright Geoffrey, you are insane, it’s not because you’re black, said Dakarai, and let me tell you why you are all fucked up. I nodded to her to come over to take part in the meeting. Why man!? I am going though the best voluntary jobs of my life at the moment! Exactly Geoffrey, that indeed is part of the case why you are mad. The daughter of the big shot sat in front of me. I’m sick of lithium, gotta have a break, have some spliff! Geoffrey was sweating much more than spitting now, or so it seemed.

You made it Danny, I’m with you, you gotta teach that asshole a lesson, said a cunt who just came along and sat at our weekly meetings’ table. He sat next to my bird, and he kept poking her, all I’m-such-a-man sort of full of bullshit. Sure as hell, said Danny boy, I’ll break him bro, you know what I mean? The lady was getting stressed, being away from the brocade and all. Sure man, I’ll give you a hand too! replied this dodgy looking cunt. And, as if they were summoning the Devil, the asshole arrived in flesh, and I felt I was going to puke in disgust, this guy being a pro liar, and pretty much full of bullshit, and who knows what other kinds of toxic waste he had. But Danny had no time for my disgust. He sprang like a ram prepared for battering, and he started beating the shit out of the Devil, the pro liar I mean, and the other guy joined, the girl screeched, I was totally STONED! Maxi had huge vacant bull eyes, the security arrived, and then there was this huge long corridor awash with neon lights, and this girl was leading in front of me, holding my hand, some were flickering, and Maxi was at my back, he was frantically securing his belongings in this worn-out plastic bag, and it went on and on and on. At the end of the tunnel I pushed the bar of the security exit, and we were on the small patch of green at the back of the university building. Me and Maxi and the daughter of the big shot made it out of there just in time to see the police arrive, and we saw they brought out a body, and they laid it down, stiff on the pavement. It was the Devil! The asshole I mean.

“So that’s the end of our weekly business meetings, I guess” – said Maxi, a bit sad.

“The system is resilient Maxi, the system is resilient…” – whatever that meant.

“So, what you guys doing?” – asked our princess.

Maxi went very close to her. He could breath down her lungs, put a hand on her shoulder, put a grin on his face and said:

“We keep the system in balance. We are the ones who do that shitty job of keeping it all together, you know what I mean?”

“NO!” – said the girl with brocade and all.

“Listen, how’s Togo doing? You know I’m writing a book about politics and economics, a pinch of quantum mechanics, and lots of sexy stuff, man, I tell you…!”

Maxi looked mad. He stared into her eyes, like he was searching for a lost ring down the drain. She smiled, she was alternative, and could communicate well with the underdog. This was SOAS’ policy. To mix them all, and get them to know their enemy while getting their money, and then give the best places to the rich and powerful, and the underdogs could go fuck themselves and live on a tent in the richest area of the city.

“Let’s go to my place” – she said.

“Alright then” – I said.

“SHIT, I forgot the lighter!” – said Maxi.

The house was grand, we took MDMA, we were kings and queens. The servants were a bit afraid of Maxi, he kept filling his bag with all the silvery stuff he came across. The butler would chase him in order to fill his glass with fresh wine, and Maxi would slip away like he was a possessed eel, and grabbed and grabbed, while the butler would slowly take everything back out of Maxi’s bag. The butler never mentioned theft. And I was dancing with the lady, I was the ambassador of Italy in Togo, and went to the embassy of Austria to reclaim what was due to me, what was appropriate for my status, and it was the daughter of the big shot whom I claimed. A fair lady, brought up with cappuccinos and croissants. She smelled like buttermilk, she wanted to learn how to shoot guns, and she thought I was the guy. I said I don’t have a gun, and she said I have plenty in here.

Maxi came back from the hole where he had stuck himself. I guess we summoned the Devil ourselves. He was holding a gun.

“Look what I found man!” – and he swayed and swayed the bloody machine, and I think it gave him a hard-on.

“That’s not silver, man” – I noted blankly – “Is that charged Maxi?”

“No way I know that man, must just give it a shot!”

Maxi pointed at the lady, he despised her silver and brocade, he wanted to fuck her very badly, but he was a drunk bum, and this had already been enough privilege. And “I’m writing a book on economics, YOU BITCH!” Maxi stumbled, the gun went up to the heavens and then back again onto the girl’s face. “Now who’s got the biggest dick, hey?” “Take it easy Maxi…” – the calmest fucking voice on earth. “Now you come down here, on your knees, and suck my BIIIG FAAAAAT” – he stumbled again – “cock. Oops!” He fell on the floor. No fire. I grabbed him, he didn’t move. I took the gun. He passed out.

“I’m sorry lady, I think we’d better go, and we will all pretend this never happened, ok? Is that ok?”

“What you talking about dummy? I LOOOVED that! I shall see you next week, and we do the whole routine again, please say yes!”

I hesitated.

“I’ll pay you both!”

I hesitated again. “Sure!”

Maxi came back to his senses, not remembering a damn thing. I took him under his arm, and we left a bit different from when we arrived. Now me and Maxi had a job.

And so I went home and felt a bit confused.

(c) 2012 Crugi Smear